Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Amy told me she doesn't like karaoke. This is an outright lie. I know for a fact that not only did she participate in karaoke at her company's 2009 Christmas party, but it was country music and she line danced! There were formal rehearsals scheduled into her busy days ahead of time. If all of this doesn't point to a deep love of karaoke, I don't know what would.

Amy loves karaoke. If she ever tells you differently, it is a lie.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween 2009

Text message received from one Amy at 1:09 AM November 1, 2009
(847): I think I might die.

False Amy! I just called you at your desk and you answered on the first ring! So you're not dead. But then you told me you died on Sunday and were resurrected. I said, "So you're Jesus?" and you said, "Yes!" and I said, "That's a lie, Amy!"

Why do you have to lie to me so much?